More Leads
More Engagements
More Revenue
Discover, engage and close more customers with
new leads and event triggered leads engagement
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Over 100,000 customers

The world's World's largest network

Professionals update their profile on one platform only: LinkedIn, the most up-to-date source for leads

Leverage your investment in LinkedIn to discover leads that match your Ideal Customer Profile

Each discovered lead includes a LeadLeaper sourced business email and company phone

Leads Scoring

Apply real-time behavioral lead scoring to identify motivated leads

Sales CRM

Schedule meetings, record notes, log calls, monitor emails sent, links viewed and email replies

Employ email templates to expedite the scheduling of meetings and when responding to inquiries

All email is sent via your Google Workspace or Office 365 account

Leads Manager

LeadLeaper remembers previously discovered leads, so there are no duplicates

LeadLeaper provides unlimited export / sync credits so your leads are never held captive

Includes team member lead ownership and configurable team leads sharing

Engage more leads  ▶