Dan Abelow, Applied Futurist

Anticipate. Innovate. Transform.

See examples: How do my skills radically expand your growth and leadership opportunities?

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Some of the 550 Licensees of New Technology Patents I Created...

Strategic Leadership

The real value of innovation is to solve the biggest problems, and advance people and companies to dramatically better levels. These steps are rare but they transform billions of lives by growing humanity’s abilities and the prosperity of corporate leaders.

I am an Applied Futurist who starts with big, unsolved problems that limit our lives, businesses and planet. Then I use foresight to design a positive future, and create patentable technologies to build it.


Harvard and Wharton

Proven Value:  550 Licensees, 4,100 Citations

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550 licensees of my previous patents includes Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, and many others.

My lifetime patent filings have received 4,100 patent citations, which is more than 99.9% of all U.S. patents. (The average patent is cited only 3 to 6 times. Only 0.01% of patents are cited more than 100 times.*)

*B. Hall, "Using patent data as indicators,” p 20, 22, 29, https://eml.berkeley.edu/~bhhall/papers/BHH13_using_patent_data.pdf

Visionary Technology / Visionary Uses

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My latest patent family, Expandiverse Technology, is intentionally designed to be a global game-changer.

  • It introduces the new field of “planetary success” technology to deliver personal successes to each person in real-time, worldwide.
  • Its visionary goal is to elevate billions all day long, every day, to start humanity's first sustainable, inclusive planet — in years, not generations.
  • Its business model includes monetizing widespread digital services and transactions that improve the lives of billions every day by advancing the goals they choose, so everyone can replace what is chosen for them.
  • Its strategy is to empower one or more digital leaders that want to assist a billion or more people every day. Their global uses can start within months, then transform their central role as they help improve personal lives, sustainability, health, and inclusion worldwide, within one decade.

New Technology's 1,759 Citations

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Expandiverse IP has been cited 1,759 times. Like my previous IP, this is cited more than 99.9% of all U.S. Patents.

These 20 world-leading tech companies did one-third of these patent citations. Each leader's number of citations is below its name.

Active Guide, to Commercialize AI at World Scale

(PDF: Click this image to open this PDF in a new tab)

Active Guide:
Volume 2 in the Expandiverse Library
(PDF is its Table of Contents)

Solve AI"s biggest problem, commercialization: The same prize is the goal of tech's top companies, as well as VC's and brilliant startups: Commercialization will be the largest problem of the new LLM AI’s (like ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, LLaMA, DALL-E, Midjourney, etc.). 

Active Guide technology to succeed at world-scale: My Applied Futurist skills have developed new “Active Guide” technology and IP to deliver the personal guidance every person needs, in real-time, so that everyone constantly improves their personal successes, all day long.

The “Great RISE” is a virtual layer (protected by IP and accessible by apps, services, platforms, search, etc.) to produce history's first universally successful, sustainable and inclusive planet — by helping everyone, many times every day, be as good as the best in the world.

Limits Others' IP

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In 2017 U.S. Patent Examiners cited Expandiverse IP the most. Their continuing citations of this IP limits others from getting patents on what the Expandiverse already filed.

UX (User Experience) Expert

Managed, led and developed hundreds of UX advances for leading companies, which collectively contributed to billions of dollars in revenues from their products, services and businesses.

Next Step: How to Start?

If you are a decision maker who needs successful innovation and development...

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For Leadership, Services, Keynote or Articles

Contact Dan Abelow directly:

Today's leaders try to build the future with experts who use best practices, so they apply the past with incremental innovation.

If you add Dan Abelow, his Applied Futurism will help your teams design and build the future you want. His skills include creating new technology and patenting it. Here's where to add Abelow:

  • Program leadership, Project leadership, Team member, Thought-leader, Evangelist
  • Create roadmaps, businesses, products, services, marketing, growth, UX (User Experience), IP (innovations, technologies, patents)
  • Consulting
  • Keynotes, articles, briefings, trainings

For Expandiverse IP

Contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition.

Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.

Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm* that focuses on large emerging markets. 

*Not an NPE.