
Straighten Your Smile With Braces

It’s important to take on every day feeling your absolute best with a smile. But if you don’t feel truly confident with your teeth, you might hold back from showing them. This can lead to self-esteem issues and can prevent you from making a positive impression at work, social gatherings, and more.

If you live in or near Center City, Philadelphia, and want straighter teeth for a winning smile, it might be the time to consider getting braces.

When people think of braces, they still tend to picture kids with mouths full of metal. Traditionally, braces consist of brackets made out of metal that the orthodontist glues to your teeth. These brackets then get tied together with tiny rubber bands and wires. Although this kind has evolved over the years, it remains conspicuous and can prove uncomfortable due to their components. More complex dental issues may still require traditional metal braces.

Braces are primarily used to straighten teeth, but they have many other functions as well. Braces can fix overbites, underbites, and close gaps to solve issues such as difficulty with eating and speaking.  It can also straighten all teeth, align them, and bring them within an appropriate distance of one another for a beautiful smile.

Types of Braces

While metal braces are still commonly used for orthodontic patients, they are much smaller than what orthodontists have used in the past. Newer metal braces are less noticeable and do not cause as much discomfort.

Many patients are now choosing braces made from ceramic that has been colored the same shade as their teeth. These are a very popular choice among adults who want to maintain their professional appearance all while correcting their smile.

Some patients also have the option for lingual braces. Lingual braces are the same as metal braces, except that the brackets and wires are placed on the inside of teeth near the tongue. This type of braces are less noticeable, but they can cause more soreness than traditional braces as they may rub against the tongue.

If you want an alternative and non-visible option, consider getting Invisalign, which performs the same function as braces but are virtually invisible.

Are You a Good Candidate for Braces?

Braces are commonly applied to kids’ teeth when they are between the ages of 10 and 14. At CCED, our dentists will monitor your child’s teeth, and their progression to determine when it’s best to have braces applied. Adults who have always desired straighter teeth may also be a good candidate for braces. It is easier to keep straight teeth cleaned, which means having braces can lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease down the road.

Adult Braces

Speaking of adult braces, it’s never too late to correct your smile. Whether your teeth have been crooked for years, or you gradually developed dental misalignment from poor habits, adult braces can be a perfect solution for your teeth. Straightening your teeth as an adult can boost self-confidence, making it easier to reach goals socially and in the workplace. Adult braces are a common appliance in orthodontics. They remain in your mouth for at least one year and can significantly improve the permanent appearance and health of your teeth.

If you’re looking to get adult braces in Center City, Philadelphia, consider receiving your orthodontic services at CCED. Our orthodontist, Dr. Han Lee, focuses on orthodontics for children, teens and adults alike to give all patients a smile to show off.